So I'm pretty sure my Son with T1D is sick of D.I.A.B.E.T.E.S.!!
Where does one go to return something they never asked for?
For eight long years Reese has dealt with Diabetes. He's had shots, finger pokes, pump holes all over his behind. ( the only place that has any fat) He has calluses on his fingers from testing. He's been tested everyday for 8 years at least 5 times a day that's 14,600 times. Yep his fingers have some calluses.
He just wants to be free like every other 11 year old...
Like his Twin...
He doesn't want his Mommy knowing where he is every second of every day.
Last week he went home with a buddy from school without my permission. The bus pulled up and when he didn't step out, the panic set in... and the BOY HUNT STARTED!!
"You can't just go over to Ashton's without me knowing!" Then Aston's Mom gives me a look like What the big deal?? .....Where do I begin?
He played dodgeball at school today, he called to tell me he was 40!
"Sit down, or lay down, in the office until lunch, drink a Juice immediately, eat 3 airheads... Promise me you will stay down there until lunch (15 minutes away) promise?
"Promise, I will" he says.
Then I hopped into the suburban and headed to his school, ran into the sick room it's empty.
"He left?" I bellow. "Oh was he suppose to stay down here?" The office ladies ask.
" Yes he's very low." No time to explain.... I run down the hall looking for my son. Panic sets in "Please let him be O.K. Please!" Yep, I am praying as I run, you know the prayer.
There he is, sweaty from playing too hard, dizzy from the low. He's looking at me with the vacant look..... I'm now saying a prayer of thanksgiving in my head.
Now it's time to calculate carbs for lunch...
Last year his teacher told me she thought my Son was using testing to get out of class!! I don't have the time to tell you what transpired through that comment.
My Son tells me when he grows up, he will find a cure for Diabetes.
He wants to work with children with T1D. He wants to inspire them, have a Hero to look up to. His favorite quote is.. Just Do It!
Maybe this is the reason for the receipt of this disease.
Maybe he will be the one to find a cure for Diabetes.. I pray
Maybe the Heavens picked him for his strength. Maybe that's why he was picked and not his twin.. He is the toughest kid I know.
Maybe he was picked because he is a Leader a Warrior..
A Young Man among Young Men..
I'm just his Mom, I believe all my children are going to change this world for the better. They already have. So Reese, I hope they find a cure Today, if not Today then Tomorrow or next etc...
But if one's not found, I pray you will find the cure.
I will continue to bug you all day, everyday, because I love you... I love you more than mere words can say. It's Love that only a Mom could know.
I only want the best for you.
It's my job I am your Mom... You know the Mother Lion who would fight to the death for you. Even when you just want to be one of the guys.....
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